Flag of Rwanda

Flag of Rwanda
Photo by Saramara

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Diary 7

Today is October 1, 1990. My Civil Education teacher, Mr. Gahigi, just told us that there has been an attack on our country. The Rwandese Patriotic Front, also known as the RPF, is banding together with a group of Tustis who have not been able to return to our country. They want to live in Rwanda, but the government won't let them because they are Tutsis. These outcasts have been living in Uganda and Zaire, which are countries close by Rwanda. We don't hear much about what goes on outside the school walls, but during this time our school director lets us listen to the radio. On the radio I can't believe what I am hearing. The announcers are telling lies about the Tutsi people. They are calling them "rebel cockroaches" and saying they live in the forest like animals and eat humans. They are telling all Hutus to hate Tutsis no matter if they have known them their whole lives or not.

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