Flag of Rwanda

Flag of Rwanda
Photo by Saramara

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Diary 10

My family did what we were told and stayed inside our home. A few hours later we got sight of what we were hearing about on the radio. At least fifty Interahamwe with knives and machetes were climbing up the hills around Lake Kivu towards our home. My father gave me his rosary and told me to go to the home of Pastor Murinzi. He knew that if the Interahamwe caught me, they would not only kill me, but rape me first. Pastor Murinzi is a Hutu but he is a good friend of my fathers. My father knew that Pastor Murinzi would hide me in his home and keep me safe from the Hutu killers. Even though the pastor was afraid of the consequences, he hid me and six other women in a tiny bathroom for about three months.

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