Flag of Rwanda

Flag of Rwanda
Photo by Saramara

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Diary 11

The bathroom that Pastor Murinzi has us hiding in is four feet long and three feet wide. We all must take turns sitting in each other's laps. It is so crowded, our muscles get cramped and we can hardly move. We can't make a sound for fear of a servant or a family member finding out about us. Even members of Pastor Murinzi's family have turned against the Tutsis and would kill us if they found us. We can hear the chants of the Interahamwe doing a dance of death as they say, "Kill them, kill them, kill them all; Kill them big, and kill them small! Kill the old and kill the young. A baby snake is still a snake, kill it, too, let none escape!" We live in fear as we wait for the day that the Hutu killers will come to search the pastors house. We all wonder what has happened to our family members and we wonder if we are the only ones still alive. The only thing that helps me keep my sanity is saying the rosary and praying to God like I have never prayed before.

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