Flag of Rwanda

Flag of Rwanda
Photo by Saramara

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Diary 12

Me revisiting the hiding spot.
After hiding in the bathroom for about 3 months we heard that France was planning to send troops to Rwanda to help the Tutsis. The radio reported that Operation Turquoise was the name of the rescue mission. The French were going to set up camps near Lake Kivu. If a Tutsi member that had been hiding for months could reach one of these camps, the French promised to keep them safe. The crazy thing is, the Hutus think that the French are there to help them. When the French landed in Goma, Zaire, the Hutus welcomed them with a big ceremony at the airport. We are hearing conflicting reports about whether the French are here to help us or the Hutus. Even the pastor thinks the French are here to help the Hutus, but my faith in God keeps me believing that the end of the genocide is near. Each day I pray that God will keep me alive to spread the news of what has happened during this awful time. I feel that my freedom is near.

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