Flag of Rwanda

Flag of Rwanda
Photo by Saramara

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Diary 14

The pastor leads us through rocky dirt roads until we are about 500 yards away from a French camp. He is to nervous to take us any further. We run as fast as we can to the camp which turns out to be an abandoned Protestant convent for nuns. The French soldiers don't believe that we are Tutsis until we show them our identity cards. Luckily I can speak French and I help translate for all the women. When the soldiers finally allow us into the camp we are all crying and can't be consoled. The French soldiers keep telling us our nightmares are over and that we are safe. It is hard to believe that this is true. A soldier leads us to where some mats are placed on the ground and we lie down to try and sleep. I look up and can't believe the amount of stars that are in the night sky. I won't take these for granted anymore.

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