Flag of Rwanda

Flag of Rwanda
Photo by Saramara

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Diary 4

My parents never taught my brothers and me that Rwanda is made up of three tribes. The Hutus are shorter, darker, and they have broader noses. The majority of the people in Rwanda are Hutus. The Tutsis are taller, light-skinned, and have skinny noses. The Tutsis have a smaller population in Rwanda. The third tribe is called the Twa. They live in the forest. Even though the Hutus and Tutsis live in the same villages and have been friends for years we are starting to hear people on the radio refer to the Tutsis as "cockroaches." I have a good friend named Sarah. She is a Hutu and lives in Kigali. Kigali is the capital city of Rwanda. Even though I am a Tutsi, Sarah's family is very kind to me. I love to go to Kigali and hear the planes taking off at the airport.

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