Flag of Rwanda

Flag of Rwanda
Photo by Saramara

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Diary 3

Children at School in Mataba
School and religion are very important to my family. We are Roman Catholic and we go to Mass every Sunday. We pray every evening together as a family at home. I really love the Virgin Mary and I have a special rosary given to me by my father. My parents teach us to treat our neighbors with respect and they really believe in the Golden Rule. To my parents everyone is equal and we should all live in harmony. This is why I was suprised today when my teacher, Buhoro, told all the Tutsis to stand up in class during role call. He then told all the Hutus to stand up. He got mad at me because I did not know what he was talking about. My brother Damascene told me to stand up when my friends do. This was my first lesson in discrimination.

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