Flag of Rwanda

Flag of Rwanda
Photo by Saramara

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Diary 13

The women in the bathroom and I have decided that it is better to try to reach a French camp than to wait in the bathroom any longer. If the French are for the Hutus, then hopefully they will just shoot us and our death will come quickly. This would be better than being captured by the Hutus because they will torture and abuse us. We have convinced Pastor Murinzi to sneak us in the middle of the night to the closest French camp. We leave at 2 in the morning and we happen to pass a mirror on the way out of the house. It has been 3 months since we have seen what we looked like. We can't believe our cheeks are so sunken and our eyes are so far back in their sockets. I used to weigh 115 pounds, now I weigh about 65 pounds. We are in schock at the way we look. We know that this is the least of our worries.

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